Seite 113 - T

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24 HOUR ACCESS - through our online shop
Whether as an ordering or information platform, the Schössmetall online shop
offers you the option to inquire about prices and availability 24 hours a day.
SAVE PAPER - through data exchange based on EDIFACT:
ORDERS - Orders
INVOICE - Invoices
DESADV - Dispatch notification
IFTMIN - Transport/shipping order
ALWAYS BE AVAILABLE - with web shop integration
We make the contents of our catalogue available to you as data. You will
receive the following from us:
– Text about our products
– Image information for electronic WEB shop integration
– Allocation of image information to text content
This allows you to quickly and easily integrate the contents of our catalogue into
your individual WEB shop or your written business documents.
MAKE A VISUAL IMPACT - with our photo service
In order that you can also incorporate our product into sales literature and ad-
vertising campaigns, we have set up a photo service for you.
We would be happy to make our photos, illustrations or our logo
available for DTP through email, CD-ROM or FTP connection.